Frequently Asked Questions

To find a local Serta retailer, enter your postal code on our store locator page. The search results will list the Serta products available at the individual retailers near you. Be aware that the mattresses on display and available to test in the store may not fully reflect the entire catalog of Serta products you can purchase from that store.We recommend calling the retailer you’d like to visit beforehand to be sure they have the Serta mattress model(s) you are looking for.
You can contact us through the contact us form on the website, by e-mailing or you can call us at 1-888-875-5999. For additional contact information, visit our Contact Us page.

Product & Warranty
Our mattresses can be used on a variety of foundations. Box springs, platform frames, or adjustable bases all work well. We recommend ensuring any foundation you use is in good working shape, as an issue with the foundation could impact the comfort of your mattress.
We understand that a new mattress is a big purchase and it’s important that you're confident in the mattress you choose to sleep on every night. For that reason, many of our retail partners offer comfort guarantees period so you can ensure the mattress is comfortable. Every retailer offers a different comfort guarantee so please call ahead to see what the retailer offers.
We highly recommend using a mattress protector to keep your mattress safe from accidents, spills, liquids, dust, and anything else that could cause it to break down along the way.
To clean your mattress, we suggest applying baking soda to the soiled area and letting it stand for about 15 minutes. Then, vacuum and repeat as needed. It's important that you also air the product out as much as possible.
We do not recommend applying liquids to the product. Applying liquids may stain the fabric and could potentially make the soiled area worse. Moisture or chemicals applied directly to the mattress can cause premature breakdown of the foam and damage the product.
In order to protect your mattress from stains and spills, we recommend using a mattress protector. This will also help with the overall health and lifespan of your mattress.
Your new Serta mattress may have a slight odor upon opening. This is due to odors that may have been trapped in the tight protective packaging being released upon opening. If you notice a smell, we recommend allowing your product(s) to air out in a well-ventilated room for at least a couple of hours before covering with sheets. Our mattresses are CertiPUR-US Certified ensuring no harmful chemicals are used.
Your new Serta Motion Base comes with minimal assembly required. No tools are needed, simply screw on the legs, position in place and plug into power. You remote will not require any pairing before set up and should work right out of the box.
To start a warranty claim, e-mail us at or call us at 1-888-875-5999. One of our customer service agents can help you out
Please see our warranty information for the terms and conditions of your Serta warranty.

For mattresses purchased through a different retailer, please reach out to the retailer directly for information about their returns policy.